Thursday, August 23, 2012

There are no "accidents" in God's realm

Gaston's mom with our family 

There are no “accidents” in God’s realm  

It could have been a tragic accident but thanks to God answering prayers, it had a good ending. God also used it for good in the lives of the family and the church people.  God can turn a bad situation around and use it for good!  

He was a bright eyed 7 month old baby boy.  We will call him Gaston*.  He was speedy and agile in his stroller, actually too much so, because one day when his mom was distracted he went rolling past the barrier off the first floor and plummeted to the cement on the ground level.  It could have been a tragic accident.  The Lord was merciful in that the stroller took the initial impact. Gaston didn’t have any broken bones. He did have a hard blow to the head.  His aunt rushed him to the local community health center and they quickly got him to the children’s hospital.  He was put in a medically induced coma in the intensive care unit so that the neurological situation could be evaluated.  It was a very serious head injury.  His father was called from his job in another province.  The family and believers from the Berea Church began to pray earnestly.  The parents sat outside the intensive care unit praying, singing and reading God’s Word. Around them other parents waited as well as this was a place where life and death hung in the balance. Some children went into the intensive care unit and came out lifeless.  This was the place for the most serious cases.  

How could God turn this situation around for good as stated in Romans 8:28: "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”   God gave amazing healing to little Gaston so that within a month he was once again a normal, bouncy, baby boy. However, God also did a deeper  work in profound spiritual levels.  The household of extended family where Gaston lived began to seek God more earnestly.  His parents were reconciled in their relationship with God.  An aunt sought God’s forgiveness in her life.  The extended family now sets aside each evening to pray together. God was glorified through this accident, the Berea Church witnessed it and praises God for how He can take a situation, dangerous and critical, and turn it around for good!   

* named changed