Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Church, Christ’s Body

A recent pastors’ retreat and missionary conference of the Bolivia World Gospel Church in Santa Cruz was a picture of Christ’s body. Bolivia World Gospel Church pastors came from many departments of Bolivia. There was such a vast range of differences from pastors of large city churches to leaders of small rural churches. Christ is the ONE that unifies His body and He helps it overcome obstacles it will inevitably come up against.    
We are privileged to participate as part of His church. We regularly attend the Cobija World Gospel Church and support the national pastor, David Nuñez and his wife, Luisa.  David Kerney is able to preach once a month at the 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. services. Along with an active believer at the Cobija church, David has started a small men’s group. Rachel teaches the youth Sunday School class. Leah enjoys participating in the youth group, and we host the youth small group meeting in our home about once a month.  A good group comes when we make pizza. Our prayer is that God will use us to strengthen and edify His church.

Construction of University Residence 

There is very exciting news from Sucre as the construction of the University Residence progresses. After months of looking at the options to make this a reality with limited funds, it is being built as a second story to the Emanuel World Gospel Church in Sucre. Thank the Lord! If God would put it on your heart to give toward the finishing of this project, you can send your gift to Bolivia University Residence using the enclosed coupon.  

Kerney Family 

Leah has so much going on as a senior at the Santa Cruz Christian Learning Center. Along with studying she fits in senior class activities, volunteering for Operation Smile, a Transformational Discipleship course at El Alfarero, and applying to universities. Yes, she likes to keep her life full. Would you join us in prayer as she makes important decisions about her future?  
Micah traveled over the summer break after his graduation from Kentucky Mountain Bible College. He came to South America to visit us and then traveled to France with a language exchange program. He is now living in North Dakota with our friends, David and Karol Harriman, where he is working and enrolled to start university classes in January. Thank the Lord for how He is working in Leah’s and Micah’s lives.  

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Kerney's Knewsletter

University Residence Coming to Sucre!

We are so excited to announce that the University Residence construction is starting this month.  After many months of looking at options, it has been approved to be built as a second story on an existing church with an adequate foundation. This ministry will be a great blessing to the families from the rural areas that send their young people into the city to study in the university. Not only will they have adequate food and housing, but they will also have a discipleship program that will help them grow in their walks with Christ.  

David has multiple opportunities to communicate God’s Word. One of those was on a tour in rural towns in Chuquisaca where he held training sessions for the leadership. Please pray that these leaders will continue to grow in their understanding of God through His Word. 

Art Is a Language

Rachel is teaching elementary art at Santa Cruz Christian Learning Center again this year. Will you pray with her that the classes will help students see and express the beauty that God has given us?

Senior Class 

Leah has begun her senior year of high school at SCCLC. Rachel is teaming with Bryan and Molly Canny to sponsor this class. Will you remember this class in prayer that they will sincerely seek God and His wisdom for their future?

World Traveler 

Micah graduated from Kentucky Mountain Bible College with an associate degree. He traveled to France for a month with a language exchange program. Please pray for him as he makes decisions about his next steps in life.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Let’s Celebrate!

There were so many things for us to celebrate in May. Maybe this is true in your life as well.  

Rachel’s parents, Charles and Keet Winters, came to Bolivia for three months to help fill the need for a hostess and host at the World Gospel Mission guesthouse in Santa Cruz. God confirmed this by putting in place all the details for their time in Bolivia. This was a special blessing since both the USA and Bolivian Mother’s Day celebrations fall in the month of May. We have had many Kerney/Winters/Ordoñez reunions just because we can. Usually we can’t get together because of distance. (Ila, Rachel’s sister, and her family also live in Santa Cruz, Bolivia.) 

David is celebrating the the new small men’s group that was started in May and has already grown from two to eight in attendance. 

It was exciting to have our WGM coach, Mark Purkey, and his son David come to visit Bolivia.  They were able to experience a tutor center ministry as well as one of our partnering ministries to kids living on the streets and under bridges in Santa Cruz. David Kerney traveled with Mark and David Purkey to the Bolivia department of Chuquisaca. They saw what God is doing in the capital of Sucre and the small churches in the rural parts of Chuquisaca. It was an opportunity to dream and envision growth and projects in that part of Bolivia.  

There were many things to celebrate in May at Santa Cruz Christian Learning Center. It was the end of a school year, and we saw God working in many ways. Rachel celebrated the completion of a full year of teaching elementary art at SCCLC. The final project was a favorite as the students made a special magnetic frame with a personalized message to give to their mom’s on the Bolivian Mother’s Day, May 27. Leah is now celebrating that she has finished her junior year and is officially a senior in high school. Wesley Ordoñez, Ila’s oldest son, our nephew, graduated from the SCCLC and is preparing to go to the USA for college. At the same time, Micah, our son, graduated from Kentucky Mountain Bible College with an associate’s degree. 

As you can tell by the tone of this letter, this has been a time of joyful celebration. Thank You, Lord, for Your strength and guidance in each of these occasions!  

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Serving with others

Serving with others 
Youth With a Mission in Bolivia offers a new way of life to street kids in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. As World Gospel Mission Bolivia focuses on 50 percent of Bolivias population, which is age 29 and under, YWAM is one of our partners in ministry.  
In this ministry, kids who live under bridges and on the streets washing car windshields and stealing to support their addictions have an opportunity to live in a home with security and opportunities. If a young person makes the decision to get off the street they go through the transition house and then to a home where they begin to learn about life. In the home, El Camino(The Road), young boys learn about real life where they can grow spiritually, mentally, physically, and socially in healthy ways. Part of this process includes learning to serve others. David goes to El Caminoonce a week to help mentor these young men.  Together with these young boys, they go to a local home for senior citizen and bless them with messages, feet soaking, and leg rubbing. No, it is not glamorous job, but serving means getting your hands dirty. It is a great opportunity to help these young men learn to not just be the recipients but also givers of love and kindness.  
Thank God for opportunities …
Rachel is co-teaching a youth class at the Cobija WGC with Carmen, a lady from the church.
David is teaching Life Project class at the Berea Seminary. It deals with the purpose of a Christian’s life and effective habits.

Rachel helped organize Pi Day at SCCLC on 3-14 with a huge pie drop at 1:59. There was a piece of pie for everyone at the end of the day. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Rain, rain

Rainy days can describe the February weather in many parts of Bolivia.  In Santa Cruz where we are living the effects have been minimal. It has meant that it was hard to get laundry dry, David had to deal with backed up sewers and we trekked through muddy streets when we walked to school.  

Other area of Bolivia, especially the northern department, Beni, have been seriously affected through the loss of life, homes, and means of living.  Members of our World Gospel Church in those areas have had to deal with very high flood levels.  

It has been good to see a timely response to the people in need from the Christians.  We were able to participate in that response by helping to prepare 100 bags with food staples for families in need.  What could have been a big job, turned out to be easy and enjoyable because a lot of people had a heart to help.  We would love to see the smiles on the people’s faces when they get a big bag of food essentials. They will know that there are people who care about them. The portions of God’s Word inside the bags will also tell them that God loves so much that He gave His life them that they might know Him.    

Would you pray for the people in these parts of Bolivia who have had to deal with lots of devastation?  Pray that the bags sent would be a clear message to them physically and spiritually. 

Carnaval in Bolivia is a national holiday observed from Friday to Tuesday before Ash Wednesday.  It has pagan roots that lead to wild parties and debauchery so Christians make it a point to programs camps and other healthy activities during these days.  

The Cobija World Gospel Church where we attend programed a camp at the Berea Seminary, close to where we live. David and Rachel went each day to participate in the events. Leah joined them by staying with the young ladies at the camp. The youth were divided into two groups and Leah’s team chose her as their leader. Leadership was a new experience for Leah, however, she did well in bringing together the cooperation of the team members. When all the points were added up, Leah’s team won! It was encouraging to hear testimonies from some of the youth saying how God worked in their lives during those three days of camp.  

Thank God that He uses all events and situations to move in hearts and lives!  

Monday, February 10, 2014

English Classes

February Update 

David did not expect to lead a class in English conversation when he came to Bolivia as a missionary, but this is an opportunity God has given him. It is really much more than a language class. Once a week David goes to the satellite site of the Bolivian Evangelical University for this class. The subject of the conversations are the parables of Jesus.  David has the unique opportunity of talking in English about God’s Word and helping the students see it applies to life in Bolivia in 2014.

This class of seven eager students, five of which are teachers, love learning and teaching. In fact, this past week one of the women made the comment, “I have never heard this story before” after reading the parable of the “Good Samaritan”. God has given David this premium opportunity where God can impact the lives of people who will shape the future of Bolivia. 

Would you help us pray that God would move deeply in the lives of these students during these times when they converse about His Word?   

Monday, January 6, 2014

Wishes for 2014

We want to wish you a prosperous New Year. 
May it be rich in His presence, grace, joy and peace.  
Thank you for partnering with us in this ministry. 

Lost shoe

Rachel wrote about our recent experience. God is amazing! 

David had an out patient bunionette surgery done on his left foot. We came home in a taxi and David limped in our house to put his foot up and recuperate from this minor operation. Two weeks later David’s foot is a lot better. He is actually thinking of graduating from one foot “shoed” and the other “flipflopped” to two shoes. The funny thing was that we could not find his left shoe. Did Kinklefritz or Capuchino, our half-grown dogs, sneak it out to chew on it? We could not find it anywhere in the yard. We looked everywhere we could think of in our house -- two times. When we were at the clinic to see the Dr. for a follow up, we ask about the missing shoe. We came to the conclusion that we would have to buy David another pair. That thought was a little hard since these shoe were expensive and new. Today, a taxi came up to the gate and started honking its horn to get attention. David finally went to the gate to see what they needed. He pulled out David’s shoe! The taxi driver was not seeking a reward, he was conscientious. He said he had dropped by at least five times trying to return the shoe. How refreshing to know that not ALL taxi drivers are out to get you for all you are worth! Thank God, for helping us get the shoe back! It reminds us that He cares about all details of our life