Monday, February 10, 2014

English Classes

February Update 

David did not expect to lead a class in English conversation when he came to Bolivia as a missionary, but this is an opportunity God has given him. It is really much more than a language class. Once a week David goes to the satellite site of the Bolivian Evangelical University for this class. The subject of the conversations are the parables of Jesus.  David has the unique opportunity of talking in English about God’s Word and helping the students see it applies to life in Bolivia in 2014.

This class of seven eager students, five of which are teachers, love learning and teaching. In fact, this past week one of the women made the comment, “I have never heard this story before” after reading the parable of the “Good Samaritan”. God has given David this premium opportunity where God can impact the lives of people who will shape the future of Bolivia. 

Would you help us pray that God would move deeply in the lives of these students during these times when they converse about His Word?