Monday, March 10, 2014

Rain, rain

Rainy days can describe the February weather in many parts of Bolivia.  In Santa Cruz where we are living the effects have been minimal. It has meant that it was hard to get laundry dry, David had to deal with backed up sewers and we trekked through muddy streets when we walked to school.  

Other area of Bolivia, especially the northern department, Beni, have been seriously affected through the loss of life, homes, and means of living.  Members of our World Gospel Church in those areas have had to deal with very high flood levels.  

It has been good to see a timely response to the people in need from the Christians.  We were able to participate in that response by helping to prepare 100 bags with food staples for families in need.  What could have been a big job, turned out to be easy and enjoyable because a lot of people had a heart to help.  We would love to see the smiles on the people’s faces when they get a big bag of food essentials. They will know that there are people who care about them. The portions of God’s Word inside the bags will also tell them that God loves so much that He gave His life them that they might know Him.    

Would you pray for the people in these parts of Bolivia who have had to deal with lots of devastation?  Pray that the bags sent would be a clear message to them physically and spiritually. 

Carnaval in Bolivia is a national holiday observed from Friday to Tuesday before Ash Wednesday.  It has pagan roots that lead to wild parties and debauchery so Christians make it a point to programs camps and other healthy activities during these days.  

The Cobija World Gospel Church where we attend programed a camp at the Berea Seminary, close to where we live. David and Rachel went each day to participate in the events. Leah joined them by staying with the young ladies at the camp. The youth were divided into two groups and Leah’s team chose her as their leader. Leadership was a new experience for Leah, however, she did well in bringing together the cooperation of the team members. When all the points were added up, Leah’s team won! It was encouraging to hear testimonies from some of the youth saying how God worked in their lives during those three days of camp.  

Thank God that He uses all events and situations to move in hearts and lives!