Wednesday, February 11, 2015

A Season for Camps

Church camps
Carnaval, know as Mardi Gras in other countries, is celebrated according to different traditions in the eastern and western parts of Bolivia.  It falls in February or early March because it is timed to end on Tuesday (Fat Tuesday) the day before Ash Wednesday which begins the 40 days of Lent according to the Roman Catholic tradition. If you are interested in knowing about the different traditions of Carnaval in Bolivia you will find information at
Even though the traditions are distinct in different parts of Bolivia, the excesses of alcohol and promiscuity are a common factor.  Because of this, the Bolivia Protestant churches plan camps to get away from activities that make up Carnaval.  
This year Carnaval is February 14-17. David will be in Chuquisaca as a speaker for the camp that the churches of that district are organizing. It will be in the beautiful, rural location of Kuñiri Pampa. Rachel and Leah will participate in the camp that the Cobija World Gospel Church is going to be a part of with other World Gospel Churches. Would you join us in praying for the leaders of these camps as they organize the events?  Please pray with us that the young people that attend will focus on what God has to say to them. Pray that they will allow Him to work redemptively in their lives. 
More camps
The Santa Cruz Christian Learning Center has a Junior High camp February 25-27.  Leah has applied and been accepted as a counselor to work with the Junior High students.  Pray for her to have the confidence and boldness in Christ to help these students.  Please pray for these students to hear God through His Word and respond to Him.  Pray for the Senior High camp March 2-6.  We appreciate your prayers joined with ours as we pray for God to work in the lives of students.  We ask God to help them respond to Him and allow Him to transform them from the inside out.